
Arbitration Support

At Global Experts Gathering, we specialize in providing comprehensive support and protection to clients involved in solar power projects. Our deep understanding of the industry's technical and legal aspects allows us to safeguard our client's interests and effectively address any challenges that may arise.

Here are the key services we offer:

·     Protection from technical and legal liabilities in solar power projects.

·     Thorough project auditing and review services covering all aspects of the project, including documentation, agreements, contracts, legal issues, and delays.

·     Identification and assessment of potential risks, loopholes, and inconsistencies in project documentation.

·     Evaluation of project activities and timelines to identify and address delays or disruptions.

·     Claim management services, including developing strong case strategies and compiling compelling evidence to support clients' claims effectively.

·     Expertise in procurement review, ensuring compliance with technical specifications and warranty conditions for materials and equipment.

·     Contract review to identify advantageous clauses and provisions for the benefit of clients and to leverage them in claim-related situations.

·     Strategic guidance and support throughout the claims process, assisting clients in navigating disputes and seeking appropriate resolutions.

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