

GEGA is a top-notch company in project development and management. It has formed strategic partnerships with various companies in many sectors, such as Energy, Construction, Transport, technology, education,  and environment. Each partner has a brief profile showing the specific roles they can do for the project. GEGA delivers high-quality solutions for its clients by leveraging the expertise and abilities of its diverse and talented experts. GEGA and its partners are well prepared to do complex projects, as they have an extensive and cumulative range of experiences and knowledge in their fields. 

Our Alliances are:

1.       Almemar International Housing Company

2.       Dr. Ibrahim Odeh Consulting Engineering Office

3.       Odeh Establishment for Energy and Water

4.       Odeh Sons for Trade and Transports

5.       Turukwaz for Logistics and Transports Company

6.    Omaria Agriculture and Veterinary Company

7.    Nader Esifan Establishment - Wastewater Desludging

8.    Awni AlShwiki and Partners - Transport