

Ibrahim Odeh             odeh@hotmail.com,                        Mobile and Whatapp: 00962799974447


Private business:

Founder, owner and CEO of the following registered operating companies:

-        Odeh Group for Water and Energy

-        Odeh Energy Engineering services: Licensed by Jordan Engineering Assocociation as first grade consulting office

-        Odeh Establishment: Freezone company in Zarqa

-        Almemar International المعمار الدولية  : Construction and housing company

-        Almemar Alarabi المعمار العربي  : Construction and housing company



Professional records:

32 years accumulated professional experience in several fields including:

-        Project management: More than 40 International Projects and 10 national projects

-        Owner engineering: 5 utility scale of 220 MWp solar PV power stations (Owner Engineering / Complete site supervision and management). Budget around US$ 250m

-        Energy efficiency: Many audits for various facilities including water pumping systems, buildings and industrial.

-        Sustainable energy financing: Chief engineer for a Euro 200 million Energy efficiency projects

-        Auditing: Energy efficiency auditing experience including water, wastewater, pumping, buildings an industrial facilities

-        Consultation: many mini and mega-scale solar PV systems

-        Financial: Coordinating many international projects (financed by international organizations and banks)

-        Tendering: Preparing specifications, documentation, evaluation and negotiation

-        Project development and EPC: Overseeing more than 2000 small and medium installations 

-        Contracts management: detailed Knowledge relevant EPC projects agreements including PPAs…etc.

-        Leadership: including coordination, presentation and management skills

-        Clients: monitoring, analyzing, and reporting to clients  

-        Reporting: more than 100 project reports (final report. Technical, status…etc.)

-        Off-grid solar PV: Engineering, procurement, contracting (EPC) projects; managing and installing around 50% of the off grid solar PV electrification and pumping systems in Jordan

-        Solar-thermal: Engineering, procurement, contracting (EPC); Supervising and managing many  solar-thermal systems for industrial, commercial and household systems

-        Representing the Jordan Engineers Association as an Examiner/Interviewer for energy services experts / chartered engineers to license them working in this field.

-        Operation and maintenance: Development / Managing / maintaining around 50% of the installed off grid solar PV electrification and pumping systems in Jordan over 14 years.

-        Applied research: More than 40 international applied research projects

-        Paper Publications and reports: 8 International Journal papers. 15 peer reviewed conference papers. More than 50 project reports for international projects. More than 40 Project assessment reports for green financing in banks. 

-        Reviewer: Reviewed many Scientific papers for many international Journals like “Energy Conversion and Management”, “International Journal of Ambient Energy”, “Forest Ecology and Management”, “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments …etc

-        Supervising Quality activities. Quality Manager/Officer, Head of quality committee for the Renewable Energy Research at the Royal Scientific Society (RSS. ISO Certified and Certified Auditor.

-        Climate change: Lead Energy Expert for a United Nation Climate Change Mitigation Project in Jordan

-        Commissioning: 5 utility scale solar PV projects and 15 off grid PV systems

-        Energy Policy: Head and member of many committees

-        Academics: Teaching renewable energy at the Faculty of Engineering / Jordan University over 4 years

-        Volunteering: Several years of volunteering in energy fields including 3 years’ head of the energy committee for the Jordan Engineers Association.

-        Techno-economic feasibility studies: More than 30 Techno-economic feasibility studies and more than 40 project assessments studies

-        Construction: Development and Supervising many building projects (including implementing measures of energy efficiency and quality control and assurance)

-        International experience and cooperation: Working with more than 30 International organization / company like USAID, GIZ, UNESCO, IFC/World bank, UN/UNEP, Deloitte, ILF, DNVGL, EBRD, MWH, DAI, AEE, RCREEE, Firstsolar, IbVogt, Connecon, TSK, Enerray ….etc.  

-        Grants: I have received grants for my proposals as a project manager for several applied research projects including for example: GIZ ( 7 projects), USAID (2 projects), UNESCO (2 projects), UN (1 project), PhD, MSc.

-        Quality control and assurance (ISO Certified) and internal auditing certified

-        Full Scholarships: MSc from DAAD – Oldenburg University - Germany and PhD from VCSA – University of Ulster-UK






















PhD in Solar Energy

University of Ulster – UK

2002 – 2005

M.Sc. in Renewable Energy

Oldenburg University – Germany


B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering - Power

Jordan University for Science

1985 - 1990



Professional certifications and qualifications



·       Chartered/Consultant Energy Engineer (Licensed and certified by the Jordan Engineers Associations


·       Certified Trainer by AEE: Certified Renewable Energy Professional (REP) By Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)


·       Certified Renewable Energy Professional (REP) By Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).


·       Certified Energy Manager (CEM) By Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).


·       Certified Carbon Reduction Manager (CRM): By Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)


·       Certified  course:  LEED  “Building  Design  and  Construction”  USA  Green  Building  Council (USGBC), June, 2012


·       Certified course: LEED “ Core Concepts and Strategies”  USA Green Building Council (USGBC), June, 2012.

·       Quality manager (Quality Control and Quality Assurance)

·       ISO certified

·       Internal Quality Auditor certified


·       Energy consultant for housing Co.: More than 100 facilities


·       Reviewer for First Solar Co (middle east representative). “Environmental, health and safety of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Photovoltaic Technology”


·       Evaluator (middle east representative)  for First Solar Co. PV production facility at KLM 5/6 in Kulim -Malaysia


·       Member of the organizing committee of many  International Conferences: on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency


·       Member of the Jordan Engineers Association interview committee for certifying chartered solar engineers

·       Member of the Jordan Engineers Association interview committee for certifying chartered Energy Audits engineers

·       Reviewer for many international Journals like “Energy Conversion and Management”, “International Journal of Ambient Energy”, “Forest Ecology and Management”, “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments …etc.

·       PhD work in Modeling, Field Data Analysis and Economics of Photovoltaic solar systems…”

Policies, regulations and volunteering

·       Head of the Energy committee at the Jordan Engineers Association over 3 years.

·       Member of the Energy Efficiency Audit Committee at the Jordan Engineers Association

·       Representative of the Jordan Engineers Association for the Ministry of Energy in Jordan

·       Head of public private committee for certificating and regulating ESCOs and engineers for the renewable energy sector: Members of the committee includes Royal Scientific Society, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Association of Energy Engineers. The committee was under the Umbrella of the Royal Scientific Society through the USAID Project : Clean Tech Innovation Cluster

·       Head of a committee in Jordan Engineers Association to prepare regulations and conditions for engineering offices to qualify them to work in energy services and consultation

·       Representative of Jordan Universities in a JICA study “Impact Assessment of PV Solar Projects on National Electricity Network”

Working with National and International Consultants, donors and agencies


1.     Egypt: In Solar PV EPC Utility scale BOT Projects: ILF, DNVGL, Emercon, IbVogt, Connecon, TSK, Enerray,  Green cells, Sun Infinite.

2.     Short-term Consultant for UNIDO in the field of photovoltaic solar energy.

3.     Germany:  GTZ / GIZ, BMBF ministry, BMZ ministry, FIZ, DLR, Muenchen University, SIJ, GOPA

4.     USA in Solar projects and desalination: USAID, NREL, Firstsolar

5.     UK: IT Power

6.     Turkey: MWH

7.     China: Trina, Sunpower

8.     Egypt / League of Arab State in Energy efficiency: Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREE), RCREEE is the official technical arm institution of both League of Arab State – Energy Department and Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity (AMCE).

9.     Egypt: National Bank of Egypt

10. Internationals: UNESCO, UNIDO, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Delloitte, DAI, ILF, DNVGL




·       MSc Renewable Energy: DAAD – Germany

·       PhD Solar Energy and Economics: VCSA – UK



International Conferences, workshops, Training and fairs


·       More than 100 international activity in the field of renewable energy and project management




Professional experience (Some Project Experience Records):

Date from - to








Organization / Sponsor / Company



Summary of activities performed

GIZ - Germany

GOPA - Germany

Ministry of Water and Irrigation -Jordan

Energy Efficiency Consultant

Energy Efficiency (EE)



“Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Water Supply (WTR) Country: Jordan: Design of a Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan for AlKarak Governorate”

Managing and conducting detailed energy assessment of 28 water pumping systems

Preparing the detailed energy assessment analysis and reports ESR)

Preparing the Energy saving opportunities list (ESO list)

World bank / IFC

ILF – Germany

IbVogt – Germany

Connecon, Spain


Owner Engineer: Full supervision, management, QC/QA and commissioning


PV Solar

Power stations





Consulting Services and management of 63 Mwp solar PV power station project (Phoenix Project)

Activities: All project activities including:

·        Management

·        Supervising Installation and commissioning

·        Reporting

·        Ensuring all energy efficiency measures are implemented in all aspects of the projects including all equipment and all operational activities

·        QC/QA

·        HSE

Liaison with all partners including Government bodies


World bank / IFC


Enerray – Italy


Owner Engineer: Full supervision, management, QC/QA and commissioning


PV Solar

Power stations





Consulting Services and management of 63 Mwp solar PV power station project (ARC Project)

Activities: All project activities including:

·        Management

·        Supervising Installation and commissioning

·        Reporting

·        Ensuring all energy efficiency measures are implemented in all aspects of the projects including all equipment and all operational activities

·        QC/QA

·        HSE

Liaison with all partners including Government bodies


World bank / IFC


Enerray – Italy


Owner Engineer: Full supervision, management, QC/QA and commissioning


PV Solar

Power stations





Consulting Services and management of 30 Mwp solar PV power station project (Winnergy Project)

Activities: All project activities including:

·        Management

·        Supervising Installation and commissioning

·        Reporting

·        Ensuring all energy efficiency measures are implemented in all aspects of the projects including all equipment and all operational activities

·        QC/QA

·        HSE

Liaison with all partners including Government bodies


World bank / IFC


Enerray – Italy


Owner Engineer: Full supervision, management, QC/QA and commissioning


PV Solar

Power stations





Consulting Services and management of 30 Mwp solar PV power station project (Arina Project)

Activities: All project activities including:

·        Management

·        Supervising Installation and commissioning

·        Reporting

·        Ensuring all energy efficiency measures are implemented in all aspects of the projects including all equipment and all operational activities

·        QC/QA

·        HSE

Liaison with all partners including Government bodies


World bank / IFC




Owner Engineer: Full supervision, management, QC/QA and commissioning


PV Solar

Power stations





Consulting Services and management of 30 Mwp solar PV power station project ((KOM OMBO Project)

Activities: All project activities including:

·        Management

·        Supervising Installation and commissioning

·        Reporting

·        Ensuring all energy efficiency measures are implemented in all aspects of the projects including all equipment and all operational activities

·        QC/QA

·        HSE

Liaison with all partners including Government bodies




Lead Energy Expert for the Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change







“Developing Climate Change Technology Need Assessment (TNA) and Technology Action Plan (TAP) for Jordan”

Conducting systematic assessment of the country’s needs for efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to backstopping Jordan’s capacities in identifying and deploying the appropriate mitigation and adaptation technologies.

Multi criteria analysis (MCA) has been adopted to investigate most critical sectors including water, energy, transport sectors.

Propose mitigation and adaptation measures.

Activities: Water and Energy sectors

Water, Energy and Environment Centre/University of Jordan


RE/EE Expert





“Electricity sector master plan for Jordan”

Preparing a master plan for the electricity sector in Jordan

Participated partially in Discussion group meeting and reviewing documents and final report

USAID/ Water, Energy and Environment


Project Manager /Team Leader

WEF Nexus

Water pumping



Feasibility studies

Jordan; Palestine/West Bank

“Feasibility study for utilizing Solar Energy for Water Pumping and Desalination in Agriculture”

The project focuses on Techno-economic feasibility study and modelling of solar water pumping and desalination systems to be utilized for agriculture in Jordan, and West Gaza. This includes investigating detailed energy efficiency (EE) measures so as to minimize the size and cost of the proposed solar PV power system.

The project was in collaboration between ABB Ltd, UTAH / USA University, Water Centre in Palestine and the Water, Energy and Environment Centre at the Jordan University.



Lead Engineer/Technical Manager



Feasibility studies


“EBRD SEFF (Sustainable Energy Finance Facility) project in Egypt (energy efficiency and renewable energy)”

The idea of the project is to incentivize and subsidizing energy efficient systems that may achieve 20% energy saving criteria

Preparing feasibility studies for each potential project

Preparing Project Assessment Reports for facilities achieving certain energy efficiency measures to be qualified for grants and loans for implementation

Developing standards for energy efficient appliances and systems.

Site visits

Energy Efficiency Audits

Liaison with all partners and Egypt Government




PV Solar


“Mapping locally manufactured components of PV solar systems”

Collecting data for all local manufactured components

Recommendations for the government to incentives local industries

Trina Solar and Water, Energy and Environment Centre/University of Jordan


Local Project Manager/Coordinator

PV Solar


China/ Jordan

“50 MW PV project”

Tendering and Studies.

Deloitte / USAID


Short term Consultant

Capacity building


Performance contracting


“ESCP - Energy Sector Capacity Building”

The project aims at Capacity building for the different energy sectors including ESCOS. Activities:

Surveying local contractors

Investigation viability of performance contracting



Short term Consultant




Pre-Feasibility studies

Jordan/ Morocco

“EBRD Project: Eastern Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Finance Facility (SEMED SEFF) JORSEFF: Developing standards for energy efficient appliances and systems”

The idea of the 110 million Euro project is to incentivize and subsidies energy efficient appliances and systems that may save more than 20% energy and renewable energy projects. Activities performed:

Developing standards for energy efficient appliances and systems. The idea of the project is to incentivize and subsidizing energy efficient systems that may achieve 20% energy saving criteria

Developing standards for energy efficient appliances and systems

Liaison with all partners and Egypt Government



Project Manager/Coordinator

water pumping, desalination and wastewater

feasibility study


“Techno-economic feasibility of solar driven water technologies including water pumping, desalination and wastewater”

Investigating water unit cost at various technical (like pumping head…etc.) and financial (like electricity tariff, capital investment…etc.) scenarios so as to achieve most optimum pumping system. This includes sensitivity analysis of main parameters



Project Manager





Capacity building


“Capacity building in water and energy sectors”

Preparing training manual and conducting several training workshops for schoolteachers to train them in sustainability. This includes energy efficiency, renewable energy, water, green building and so on.

Water Authority of Jordan/Ministry of Water and Irrigation


Project Manager/Coordinator

Solar water pumping





“Monitoring, evaluating, and maintaining all solar driven water pumping systems that belongs to the ministry of Water and Irrigation all over Jordan”

The aim of this project is to study and assess the technical maturity and the economic feasibility of the Jordanian water pumping station systems on a national level.

Data collection and assessment.

Development to maintain all system working regularly in its best optimum conditions (maximum efficiency).


Regular reporting

Applying Energy Efficiency Measures.

Water, Energy and Environment Centre/University of Jordan


Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Specialist



Capacity building


Preparing curriculum for undergraduate courses in renewable energy and energy efficiency



Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Specialist





“Preparing a training manual in renewable energy and water for decision makers and senior engineers of stakeholders and government bodies in Jordan”

80 hours training workshop

Almemar Group


Chief Executive Officer

Feasibility studies

Solar-thermal Energy



China/ Jordan

“Development, Feasibility, Engineering, procurement and construction of several solar and energy efficiency applications/projects in the private sector”

Development, Feasibility, Engineering, procurement and construction of several solar and energy efficiency  applications/projects in the private sector

GIZ / Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping

Germany/ Jordan

“Set-up a Test Facility for PV solar Water Pumping System”

The German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation have sponsored the project that was implemented by the GTZ, and Muenchen University from Germany and the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society from Jordan. Activities of this project were concentrated on developing the most efficient and appropriate methods for field and lab tests of water pumps.

USAID/ Water Authority of Jordan and The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping

Jordan/ USA

“Field test of solar water pumping and desalination system”

Within the framework of the technological scientific cooperation between Midwest Research Institute - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)/ USA and the National Energy Research Center (NERC) in Jordan, a photovoltaic solar powered reverse osmosis brackish water facility has been installed in Jordan. The project was financed by a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant. The aim of this project is to study the techno-economic feasibility of this technology.

UNIDO/ The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping

Feasibility study


“Techno-economic study prepared for the United Nations Industrial and Development Organization (UNIDO) discussing PV water pumping situation in Jordan”

Status and proposed scenarios were investigated in water pumping sector in Jordan

GIZ / The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping

Germany; Jordan

“Testing and development of solar water pumps”: for several solar water pumps”

For several solar water pumps”: The German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation have sponsored the project that was implemented by German agencies: GTZ, DLR, Netzch and Muenchen University and the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan. Intensive laboratory tests and development have been carried out aiming at developing and introducing a high efficiency water pump for PV water pumping applications.

FIZ/ The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Renewable Energy Specialist


Feasibility study


“Techno-economic feasibility of using renewable energy resources for wastewater recycling”

This EU project is a study prepared by the National Energy Research Centre (NERC) in Jordan in cooperation with SIJ and FIZ- Germany to visualize the techno-economic feasibility of using renewable energy resources for wastewater recycling projects.

Syrian Government


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping


“Utilizing Renewable Energy Technologies for PV Water Pumping Systems in Syria”

Water Authority of Jordan



solar Water Pumping

Feasibility study


“Economic feasibility of solar pumping systems in comparison to diesel powered system”

Providing Water for communities in remote areas was considered as a challenge for the water authority of Jordan. This feasibility study has discussed the different possible options for providing water in remote areas and its techno-economic feasibility. Detailed comparison between solar powered and diesel-powered systems has been analyzed and intensively investigated. As a result, many diesel-powered systems have been replaced by PV powered systems.

IT Power and Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Local Project Manager

solar Water Pumping

Jordan/ UK

“Round-robin tests for solar water pumps”

This EU project has been implemented by IT Power in UK in cooperation with 13 participating countries including the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan. Several types of pumps have been tested in several countries to compare the results and to achieve the most energy efficient and techno-economic system for PV water pumping applications.

National Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Quality Officer



Qualifying RSS Units and Labs for ISO Certifications

The aim of this project is to qualify RSS laboratory to achieve the relevant international ISO standards certificates.

GIZ/ Water Authority of Jordan and The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping

Germany/ Jordan

“Field Test of PV Screw Pump Systems”

 The German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation have sponsored the project that was implemented by the GTZ, and Muenchen University from Germany and the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society from Jordan. A pump test facility has been developed and installed in Jordan to serve as a tool for testing several types of pumps and as a key for selecting the appropriate technology for certain application.

The project is implemented in close collaboration with Netzch Co, the pump manufacturer, where several modifications was executed on the pump based on field results and inputs.

Pre-feasibility studies.


Installation of the system.

Commissioning of all system.

Installation of complete sensors, devices, and data logging system.

Collecting data for all relevant parameters (hydraulic parameters like head, flowrate etc. And electric parameters (voltage, current, power…etc.) based on 2 seconds readings over 3 basic years and then extended for other several years.

Development of components (mainly the screw pump) and systems so as to achieve most energy efficient optimum system.

Cooperating with the pump manufacturer (NEZTCH Co.) to develop most appropriate pump.

Applying all possible energy efficiency measures in water pumping systems including equipment, piping, fittings…etc. to minimize power requirements.

Analyze water and energy consumption for all pumping stations.

Monitoring hydraulic head to investigate drawdown and its effect on pump efficiency and thus to determine the needs for development and/or changing the pump to meet the variable well pumping head. The aim is to keep pump working at its maximum efficiency point.

Many status, activity, and Biannual detailed reports.

Perform protective tests on all pump station equipment.

Perform various Simulation scenarios.

Liaison with all stakeholders including ministry of Water and Irrigation.

GIZ/ Water Authority of Jordan and The National Energy Centre at the RSS


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping


“Eldorado PV Solar Water Pumping Systems”

Development, feasibility, installation, and operation of 8 systems.

Pre-feasibility studies.


Installation of the system.

Commissioning of all system.

Development of components (mainly the screw pump) and systems so as to achieve most energy efficient optimum system.

Applying all possible energy efficiency measures in water pumping systems including equipment, piping, fittings…etc. so as to minimize power requirements.

Analyze water and energy consumption for all pumping stations.

Monitoring hydraulic head to investigate drawdown and its effect on pump efficiency and thus to determine the needs for development and/or changing the pump to meet the variable well pumping head. The aim is to keep pump working at its maximum efficiency point.

Many status and activity reports.

Perform protective tests on all pump station equipment.

Liaison with all stakeholders including ministry of Water and Irrigation.

Water Authority of Jordan and The National Energy Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping




“Monitoring, Developments, Maintenance, Operation and Follow up for all PV Solar Pumping Systems in Jordan”

The aim of this project is to study and assess the technical maturity and the economic feasibility of the Jordanian water pumping station systems on a national level.

Data collection and assessment.

Development to maintain all system working regularly in its best optimum conditions (maximum efficiency).


Bi-monthly  reporting.

GIZ/ Water Authority of Jordan and The National Energy Centre at the RSS


Team Leader

solar Water Pumping


“International Program for Field Test of PV Solar – Water Pumps”

The project activities aim at   providing technically reliable, economically competitive and environmentally friendly alternative for water pumping systems in remote areas, this project was implemented in seven different countries including Jordan.

7 solar driven water pumping systems were installed in Jordan out of 80 systems installed in other countries.

Pre-feasibility studies.


Installation of all systems.

Commissioning of all systems.

Installation of complete sensors, devices and data logging system.

Collecting data for all relevant parameters (hydraulic parameters like head, flowrate etc.and electric parameters (voltage, current, power…etc.) based on 2 seconds readings over 3 basic years and then extended for other several years.

Development of components and systems so as to achieve most energy efficient optimum system.

Applying all possible energy efficiency measures in water pumping systems including equipment, piping, fittings…etc. so as to minimize power requirements.

Analyze water and energy consumption for all pumping stations.

Monitoring hydraulic head to investigate drawdown and its effect on pump efficiency and thus to determine the needs for development and/or changing the pump to meet the variable well pumping head. The aim is to keep pump working at its maximum efficiency point.

Many status, activity, and Biannual detailed reports.

Perform protective tests on all pump station equipment.

Perform various Simulation scenarios.

Liaison with all stakeholders including ministry of Water and Irrigation.

The Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society


Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Specialist


Iraq/ Jordan

“Establishment of Regional renewable energy training center”

The Governments of Jordan and Iraq have agreed to establish a regional training center in Jordan comprises most renewable energy applications. Systems for PV electrification, cooling, water pumping, solar water heating, solar space heating and wind turbines have been installed together with the relevant data logging and evaluation systems and software. The project was implemented by the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan.


Economic feasibility studies

·     Several years as CEO in the private sector supervising marketing activities.

·     Technical manager for the European bank - EBRD project “Mediterranean Sustainable Energy Finance Facility (SEMED SEFF) in Egypt: EgyptSEFF”. Financing experience via the EBRD/NBE banks and Evaluating tenders and proposal for all projects

·     More than 50 studies for clients in the private sector of Jordan

·     Technical Manager: several studies for the European bank for reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for clients and projects in Egypt

·     Project Manager/PI coordinator for the USAID-USA project “Utilizing Solar Energy for Water Pumping and Desalination in Agriculture – Phase 1 Feasibility Study”

·     Project manager/coordinator for a GIZ-Germany project: Utilizing solar energy for water applications. GIZ

·     Local Project Manager for "International Program for Field Test of PV- Water Pumps". By: German ministries and agencies (BMBF, BMZ, GTZ, FIZ) and the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan

·     Local Project Manager for the project "Eldorado international project for PV water pumping". ". By: German ministries, companies and agencies (BMBF, BMZ, GTZ, BEO, Siemens )

·     Project Manager for the project Utilizing Renewable Energy Technologies for PV Water Pumping Systems in Syria " Techno-economic feasibility study" prepared for the ministry of agriculture in Syria. Period: 6 months


Journal Publications

·           I. Odeh, YG. Yohanis, B. Norton M. Alsoud and D. Odeh: Long-term Field Operation of Photovoltaic Solar Water Pumps. International Journal of Ambient Energy. May 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01430750.2017.1318792

·          M. Jonesa, I. Odeh,  M. Haddad, A. H. Mohammad, J. C. Quinn: Economic Analysis of Photovoltaic (PV) Powered Water Pumping and Desalination without Energy Storage for Agriculture. Desalination Journal. Volume 387, 1 June 2016, Pages 35–45

·          I. Odeh: Introducing new design and performance points for photovoltaic water pumping systems based on long-term field data analysis. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5, 023135 (2013)

·          I. Odeh, YG. Yohanis, B. Norton: Simulation algorithm and validation of a Photovoltaic water pumping system model using long-term field data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, (IMechE), Part A, Journal of Power and Energy – JPE843, Vol. 224, 2010

·          I. Odeh, YG. Yohanis, B. Norton: Simulation procedure for the co-optimisation of Photovoltaic water pumping systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part A, Journal of Power and Energy – JPE844, Vol. 224, 2010

·          I. Odeh, YG. Yohanis, B. Norton: Economic Viability of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems. Solar Energy Journal, 80, 850-860, 2006

·          I. Odeh, YG. Yohanis, B. Norton: Influence of Pumping Head, Insolation and PV Array Size on PV Water Pumping System Performance. Solar Energy Journal 80, 51-64, 2006

·          I. Odeh: Field Results of PV-Water Pumping Systems. Applied Solar Energy , Vol. 31, No. 3, pp 20-29, 1995


Thesis Publications

·          I. Odeh, Modelling, Field Data Analysis and Economics of Photovoltaic Water Pumps and the Prospects for integrating Desalination Using Reverse Osmosis. PhD Thesis. University of Ulster, UK. August, 2005

·          I. Odeh, Facts and Figures in Variable Speed Water Pumping Systems Field and Lab Experience. Master Thesis. Oldenburg University, Germany, August, 1998


Peer-Reviewed International Conference Publications

·          I. Odeh: Economic Feasibility of Large Scale PV Water Pumping Applications Utilizing Real Field Data for a Case Study in Jordan. International Conference: Renewable Energy 2030-Experts’ Vision. Oct., 1-2, 2012. Germany, 2012

·          Renewable Energy Solutions as a Climate Change Mitigation Option in the Energy Sector. International Conference: Renewable Energy 2030-Experts’ Vision. Oct., 1-2, 2012. Germany, 2012

·          I. Odeh: Validated Simulation of the Influence of Insolation and System Sizing on the Performance of PV Pumping Systems. Solar World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 2005.

·          I. Odeh: Validated Simulation of a PV Water Pumping System integrated to a Reverse Osmosis Water Desalination Unit. 2nd Photovoltaic Science, Application and Technology (PV-SAT2) Solar Energy Society Conference. pp. 113-120. April 14-15, 2005. Loughborough University, UK

·          I. Odeh: New Rating Factors for Solar Water Pumping Systems. World Renewable Energy Congress. August 28 to September 03, 2004. Denver, Colorado, USA

·          I. Odeh: Turning the Corner from Research to Commerce in Solar Water Pumping Systems. Third Symposium on Scientific Research Outlook in the Arab World 2004. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia and Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF), UAE. April 4-7, 2004. Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

·          I. Odeh: Adaptation of Screw Pumps for PV Water Pumping Applications. World Renewable Energy Congress. June 29 July 5, 2002. Cologne, Germany.

·          I. Odeh: From Research to Investment in Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems. International Workshop on PV applications. Ain Shams University, Photoenergy Centre and ICS-UNIDO.  May 26-30, 2002. Cairo, Egypt

·          I. Odeh: Technical Maturity and Economic Feasibility of PV Water Pumping Systems in Comparison to Diesel Systems. Using PV Solar Energy in Irrigation.GTZ, Germany and Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan. April 28- 29, 2002. Amman, Jordan

·          I. Odeh: Economic Viability of Using Photovoltaic Water-Pumping Systems Instead of Diesel Systems Utilizing Actual Field Data. Sharjah Solar Energy Conference. February 19-22, 2001. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

·          I. Odeh: Prospects of Utilizing Screw Pumps for Photovoltaic Water-Pumping Applications refereed paper. Solar 2000 - 38th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society. From Fossils to Photons. November 29 to December 1, 2000. Brisbane, Australia

·          I. Odeh: Investigating The Availability of Small Scale Reverse Osmosis Systems Powered by Solar Energy for Remote Applications.  International Solar Desalination Symposium. May 15-16, 2001. Tripoli, Libya

·          I. Odeh: Degradation of PV Generator Outputs During 3-years of Actual Field Operation. World Renewable Energy Congress. June 15-21, 1996, Denver, Colorado, USA

·          I. Odeh: Economic Feasibility of PV-Water Pumping Systems in Comparison to Diesel Systems, Symposium PV Solartechnic. March 13-15, 1996. Kloster Banz, Germany

·          I.  Odeh:  Field  Results  of PV-Water  Pumping Systems,  New Trends and Breakthroughs in Solar Energy Research ,Aug. 27 – Sept. 8/1994. Islamabad, Pakistan