

Three-year hourly field data for eight installed systems in Jordan have been analyzed. Based on two seconds scanning rate, hourly, daily, monthly and yearly averages of in-plane insolation and its frequency distribution for seven locations are presented and discussed. In-plane insolation is compared with insolation on a horizontal plane for a sample location. PV array efficiencies for the eight systems are presented. Instantaneous, average and best results of performance ratios are obtained. Actual oversizing factors of the systems have been determined. The effect of insolation, time of day, ambient temperature, cell temperature and wind speed on PV array yield are determined.  The effect of ambient temperature, insolation and wind speed on the PV cell temperature is determined. A new model for cell temperature as a function of insolation and ambient temperature is developed, compared with another model and validated.

Sample Data

Figure 1. Daily total insolation on horizontal plane over a three-year period

Figure 2. Variation of cell temperature with insolation

Figure  3. Variation of cell temperature with ambient temperature

  • Client
    University of Ulster / Royal Scientific Society / Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan / GIZ
  • Budget
  • Duration
    3 Years

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